Great news for Gmail users! Now you can send a massive 10 GB file with your Emails as an attachment.
Sending large multimedia files like video, audio and images were a great hassel. And, Gmail users were usually turning to DropBoxYouSendIt or to perform their task.
On Tuesday, Google has announced that it will be integrating Google Drive in to Gmail, so that users can send large files up to 10GB. A new button appears in the Gmail compose window to attach files from the Google Drive account, instead attaching the files directly to the message.
Attach files from Google Drive to Gmail
Once you attach a file, Google will check – Whether your recipient is permitted to view the file in your Google Drive account. If not, it will prompt you to grant the permission, then send the message to the recipient.
This is a great move from Google – To popularize the already popular Gmail. Integrating this feature, with such a huge user base, it’s confirmed that people will not seek the help of services like DropBox for their common needs. 10 GB is good enough to cater a common Email user’s everyday needs. Moreover, the “ease of use” matters the most, compared to other file sharing applications.
Do you think – Gmail’s 10 GB file attachment feature will help you in future?